communication barriers
Today I went to the secondary school (high school) in Letirá, one of the caseríos of my town where I am working on the environmental commercial spot project. Unfortunately, the teachers just did not understand what a commercial means. After a while hanging out with the teachers and the kids, they showed me the "practice runs." Hearing that word made me believe that they understood the concept. Especially since I had said things like "it´ll be an opportunity for them to practice their communication skills" (one of the classes taught in Perú), and "a chance to use their creativity" and of course "just like you see on TV." However, once they started organizing the kids for practices, I realized that what they actually ended up doing was starting different environmental activity stations...recycling paper, burying trash, cleaning the bathrooms and making environmental signs. Right. I don´t know how that happened, but I am so used to unexpected failures now that I wasn´t fazed. "How about including a while the team is working, one person explains why it´s important that that they do that activity, why is it important to take care of the environment..." The teachers looked kind of confused. I´m not really sure what they were could you have a competition between different environmental activities? Who works the hardest? I have no clue, but all I know is that something environmental will be filmed and hopefully by Friday when the camera crew comes, they´ll have speaking parts.
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