
Done with the first step

We just finished up "staging," which is an orientation sesssion in Washington, D.C. The internet here is super expensive, but I did want to write how happy I am with my group. I was a little worried that I would be stuck with some immature, narrow-minded kids (the oldest person here is 25 I think, but we have 1 married couple). I was wrong. Everyone here has done amazing things and many people are so well-travelled and interesting. I have so much respect for them...some have done amazing things like studying women seaweed farmers in Zanzibar or has been a Navy SEAL in Afghanistan and so many amazing things. We did this opening activity where we had a list of one cool thing each person in the group (34 total, half health and half enviro) has done. My thing was that I have logged over 50 dives, so now people start conversations with me like: "Hey, you're the scuba diver, right?" There are actually quite a few people in my group who dive! One girl even brought a full set of snorkeling equipment. Many people want to go to Galapagos...we'll see about that but that's my main vacation goal. Anyhow, thanks to orientation, I will be flying into Lima tomorrow with high expectations for a great experience!

The worst thing I have found out is that nobody will be going to the Amazon :o( So now it's down to the arid desert coast or the snowy mountains. Despite that disappointment, I am still positive! I am just excited to start speaking Spanish again, learn more about my group and meet everyone in Peru!


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